A Message from Our Founder Regarding the Current Situation in Cuba

I feel led to share with all Bridging the Nations Ministries supporters and followers my personal take on the current situation unfolding in Cuba.

As I am sure you are aware there is a current crisis in Cuba. I received some information from people on the ground as well as some research from reliable information sources.

  1. The loss of the total power grid has not ever happened before. The entire Island of 11 million people was blacked out. The grid came back online for a very short period before crashing again. It came back once more and crashed again.

  1. The Eastern end of the Island was also hit by hurricane Oscar yesterday, Sunday Oct. 20th, making it even harder for those people.

  2. Bottom line Cuba’s power facilities are over 50 years old and have not been maintained anywhere close to how they should have been.

  3. Cuba does not have the resources to purchase replacement parts or to rebuild these plants.

  4. Currently there is some emergency power being supplied to 1 or 2 hospitals in Cuba.

  5. This is rapidly developing into a humanitarian crisis for the people of Cuba. If these conditions continue many people will die.

There is a lack of food, medicine, and water. This is an ongoing, worsening situation. For many years the Cuban people have dealt with power blackouts across the country. They have lived with a lack of food and gone without water for days. They have put their children to bed hungry and heard the excuses of a corrupt government. I have witnessed many of these things firsthand. I have attempted to communicate the plight of my Cuban brothers and sisters. But in my many years of serving the Lord in Cuba I have never seen anything like this.

Bridging the Nations Ministries has a mission trip scheduled to be in Cuba in Jan. 2025. We will be in prayer for that trip. BNMI’s top priority has always been the safety of our teams. We will continue to monitor the situation in Cuba. I pledge that we will never put any of our participants in harm’s way. Please pray for Cuba, that politics will be set aside, and humanity will prevail.

Praying for ALL of Cuba,

Joe Dine
Founder/Director Bridging the Nations Ministries