This page is for all those who have already committed to a trip with Bridging the Nations Ministries. On this page you will find any resources you may need in moving forward as we get closer to our departure date. If you have not yet joined a trip but would like to learn more about what that might look like, visit our Traveling With Us page by clicking the button below!
Trip Checklist
Thank you so much for your interest in traveling to Cuba with BNMI. Please fill out and submit the following forms and documents:
Terms and Conditions Agreement
Medical Awareness Form
Digital Media Consent Form
Client Registration
Copy of Passport
Links to forms can be found on this page. Please email a digital copy of your Passport to joe@bridgingthenations.org and we will record them with your file.
A non-refundable deposit of 20% is due upon registration. Once the Client Registration Form is submitted you will be redirected to the page where you can make said payment. You may then return to the Trips page to fill out the remaining forms. If you have questions please feel free to contact joe@bridgingthenations.org.